Create titles from any intro and other big news

Explore Videobolt's latest upgrade: Now you can transform any logo intro template into a dynamic typographic title and enjoy enhanced editing flexibility.

We have a huge update for you bringing new features and more value to your favorite video making platform. No reason for any further ado, let's take a look at what's new.

No logo? No problem!

We revamped our system to give one of our biggest categories 4,800+ templates a huge flexibility improvement — every logo intro can now be a typographic title. Instead of using your company logo you can type a word or phrase, pick a font and color it to create a stunningly animated intro or title.

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text for a logo - Poster image

Quickly switch aspect ratios

We've had templates in various aspect ratios to fit social media for a while. Now we bring you a much needed quality of life improvement that allows you to quickly switch between aspect ratios while keeping all your media and customizations in place. You can switch aspect ratios from the render page or from the My Videos page (as shown above). This feature is only available for templates that support multiple aspect ratios.

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change aspect - Poster image

Template packs

In the vein of aspect ratios, templates that have several variations are now grouped together in template packs. For example, a streaming pack will contain everything you need to outfit your stream with stylish animations. You can browse through a pack from the template page or transfer customizations to other templates in the pack from the render page or My Videos.

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template packs - Poster image

Hope you enjoy all the new features and improvements. If you encounter any issues please reach out to us in the chat box or via email to

Thanks for reading. Watch this space for more tips, tricks and suggestions. Have a great rest of the weekend!

Published on Nov 18, 2022 by
Petar Drndarević
Big lover of film and music. Long time Videobolt power user, copywriter and support provider.
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Video podcasts are taking over, with YouTube now the top platform for podcast consumption. If you're not using video, you're missing out on a massive audience.
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Discover how kinetic typography and text animation bring energy, motion, and impact to your videos, making every word dance with the flow of your story.
Text instead of logo
Switch aspect ratios
Template packs

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