"We're making it easier for everyone to tell their story"

Videobolt is the first online video editor to integrate Epidemic Sound Connect so we sat down with Michael Hoy, Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound to pick his brain about user experience and APIs.

It’s easier than ever to film and edit videos with a plethora of excellent tools to support independent creators. Soundtracking videos is going through a paradigm shift and Epidemic Sound is one of the biggest movers in the space of digital music, offering creators a large catalog of impressive royalty-free tracks with simple licensing terms.

Audio is crucial to the emotional impact of any video which is why we are so excited to announce the seamless integration of Epidemic Sound Connect into Videobolt. As a special gift, all our users will be able to use a monthly selection of free tracks, while Epidemic Sound subscribers will have access to the entire catalog.

To dig into the specifics of this partnership and the benefits it brings for both Videobolt and Epidemic Sound users, we had a quick chat with Michael Hoy, Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound.

Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
Anyone who has ever tried scoring a YouTube video knows the headache that comes with figuring out fees and legalities for a tune. For those that do not know — how does Epidemic Sound solve this?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
We own 100% of the rights to our music, which means that we’re the only one you have to deal with to secure a direct license for personal or commercial use.
Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
What new possibilities does Epidemic Sound integration bring to Videobolt users?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
Most editing apps have a small selection of music with a personal license, which we also offer through several apps. With the Videobolt integration, creators can login through Epidemic Sound Connect to unlock our full library including commercial rights and YouTube monetization. We think this is a great fit for Videobolt users, especially those posting to YouTube on behalf of their company or promoting branded content.
Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
You’ve previously partnered with major brands like Adobe, Getty Images, iStock, Pinterest and Canva. How will this partnership be different?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
Yes, and we’re very proud to work with the biggest names in content creation as you mentioned. With Epidemic Sound Connect, Videobolt creators will have the opportunity to unlock our entire offering including new and personalized content and features as they’re released. This makes the curation and user experience dynamic and highly relevant. Something fun to try is like/unliking specific tracks on epidemicsound.com and seeing this instantly reflected in your liked tracks folder on videobolt.net 🤯
Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
Who did you have in mind as a primary user when working on Epidemic Sound Connect?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
Creators with high creative content output, the need for commercial rights, or desire to monetize on platforms like YouTube traditionally gain the most value from an Epidemic Sound subscription and the same is true for Connect. Although, to be honest, what really got us excited about developing Epidemic Sound Connect was the potential to unlock the full value of our content, features, and subscription for all types of creators soundtracking content inside their favorite editing apps, whether they are professional or aspiring influencers, small to medium sized businesses, corporate creatives, agencies, or freelancers.
Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
What was the most challenging task you and your team had to complete when developing Epidemic Sound Connect?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
As you can imagine there are plenty of challenges when developing such a technical product with a unique business model. But as with most things, naming has been the most challenging. Trying to translate something so technical into one perfect name that does it justice is a real challenge. We love where we landed with Connect as it captures the tech and user experience achieved.
Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
We at Videobolt are excited to partner with a big music industry name like Epidemic Sound. What made you choose us as the first online platform to integrate Connect?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
We’ve been really excited to partner with Videobolt for a few reasons. First off, the overlap with YouTube creators is strong so it’s a great fit. Secondly, Videobolt creates a smooth onramp to creating compelling video content with tons of eye-catching templates. Last I checked more than 3,7500… And last but certainly not least, Videobolt has great templates for music visualization, which our team internally is excited to start utilizing for our own music videos.
Petar Drndarević
Brand and Content Coordinator at Videobolt.net
What do you expect from partnering with Videobolt?
Michael Hoy
Director API Partnerships at Epidemic Sound
Our hope is to provide real value for creators and help them succeed creatively and commercially through a streamlined video editing and soundtracking flow directly inside Videobolt. Making it easier for everyone to tell their story and publish attention grabbing video content that promotes themselves, their brand, and their business.

We’re super excited to soundtrack our videos with Epidemic Sound, and I’m sure you are, too. A huge shout out to Michael and the Epidemic Sound team for being absolute legends and making the integration as smooth as possible. And of course, congratulations are in order for our entire Videobolt development team.

Published on Feb 1, 2023 by
Petar Drndarević
Big lover of film and music. Long time Videobolt power user, copywriter and support provider.
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