Video Backgrounds for Your Music Visualizers
Ever since we came upon this beauty, created by Hunter Mackenzie using a Videobolt music visualizer and some awesome post-editing, we wanted to upgrade our video-editing system to allow anyone to easily place videos as backgrounds for visualizers. It took us a while but it’s here now and your music videos are about to become even more awesome.

We updated the majority of music visualizer templates to allow a video background. Any visualizer template with a replaceable background can now have a video placed as the backdrop, while reacting to your beats the same way it used to with image backgrounds.
And not just that, we’ve expanded our giant free stock footage library with professional stock videos you can legally use from right within the Videobolt editor.
Endless possibilities
Combining video footage with music visualizers opens up new ways of expressing your music through videos. Ultimately, only you will know exactly what combination of video, spectrum and effects will be perfect for your style, but here’s a few ideas to spur your imagination.
Video as a backdrop for visualizers
As seen in Hunter Mackenzie’s video, a minimalistic visualizer template can be beautifully combined with a background video, as long as you follow a few simple design rules.
Visualizer inside a visualizer
Some of our ambient visualizer templates can be effectively combined with a spectrum-centric video template. I combined the Drop music visualizer by Skvifi with a Thunder Beat background (designed by Videobolt founder Mocarg) to use with Cartoon’s “Why We Lose”.
Timelapse background
Timelapse videos have long been a popular background for music on YouTube, and now you can easily create your own music videos featuring a pleasing reactive spectrum on top of a timelapse video background.
Shoot your own video
No need to use stock footage videos if you're good with a camera. Go out and shoot a unique video to combine with your music visualizer. Whether it’s a short video you want to loop or a long video recorded for the song exclusively, you will easily be able to combine that video with a fitting visualizer.
How to do it
The first step you will need to take is to choose a music visualizer template that contains a background placeholder. You can see the available placeholders and replaceable assets in a template simply by clicking on it from your home feed or its name in the search feeds.
In order to upload a video into your visualizer, click the placeholder button with the video camera icon, then click "Add Media" and choose one of the upload options. Alternatively, you can also click the background placeholder from the list in the sidebar and follow the same procedure. You may upload a video from your computer, use one that's already in your Videobolt media library or use one of the professionally shot stock videos provided by Unsplash, Pixabey, and Pexels.
Don’t worry if your background video is shorter than your audio, it will loop for the entire runtime. This is especially great for time-lapse videos, and any video where the end of the loop is not too obvious.
Editing the video template stays the same, any change you make will be quickly displayed with an image preview, while clicking the "Produce Video" button will render a 15 second preview video. You may freely choose which 15 seconds of the song to preview, and it will be exactly the same in content and reactivity as the final, high quality video.
Ready to start creating? All you need to do to try everything out is register. Create as many preview visualizers as you want, test every editor feature and template in our library and if you like what you see, subscribe to remove the watermark and produce Full HD or 4K music visualizers up to 2 hours long.